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Marry Me Page 5

  She lay back against the pillows, her eyes wide and sparkling, her breathing fast, her lips open. She looked vulnerable, and sexier than any woman he’d ever seen. He ran his hands over her hips, shifting her closer as he eased himself on top of her. Her head tilted back and he placed his lips on hers, feeling the kiss from head to toe in one shimmery wave of desire.

  His cock slipped between her legs, nestling against her heat. She shifted beneath him, angling her hips so the tip of him slid inside her. He inched in, as slowly as possible. So tight. So warm. Her slippery flesh stretched to accommodate him as he sank deeper, struggling to keep his full weight off her.

  Her legs locked around him, pulling him in with incredible strength. They moved in tandem, her hands stroking his back, her hips matching him thrust for thrust as their tongues swirled together.

  Julia arched her back, her full breasts crushing against his chest and he slipped his arms beneath her, holding her even closer. A low moan escaped her throat and she pulled her mouth away. Her head pressed hard against the pillows as he felt her calves tense against his ass. She cried out, her muscles contracting around his cock so hard and fast it knocked the breath out of him.

  He slowed his pace, letting her ride the wave, hoping he could hold off long enough to keep going. As soon as she stopped shaking, her mouth was back on his, hungry, passionate. She drew his tongue into her mouth, sucking as she pulled her muscles tight around him once again. He was powerless against her. His balls drew up taut against his body, every muscle in him rigid and aching. Her hips pitched back, causing him to sink even farther into her and, with one final thrust, he burst inside her.

  The cum rushed out of him with such force his mouth went dry. He throbbed, hearing his own groans as they echoed through the room. His arms were shaking as he held himself over her long enough to ease out of her body and collapse alongside her.

  He nuzzled her neck, kissing his way along her jaw until he reached her ear. “Marry me,” he whispered.

  The giggly laughter that bubbled out of her sent a rush of warmth through him. She turned and kissed him full on the lips. “How about a glass of water?”

  “Sure.” The smile on her face was enough of a yes for now.

  By the time Julia returned with two glasses of water, Ben was sound asleep. She set one down next to his side of the bed then perched on the edge of her side, sipping as she watched him. He looked utterly at peace, his face content and relaxed. She wanted to reach out and sweep his bangs off his forehead but she didn’t want to disturb him. Slow, even breaths made his chest rise and fall, reminding her what it felt like to have him moving against her.

  A shudder ran through her and she gripped her glass. She had been working so hard to avoid having these feelings she’d forgotten how wonderful they were. Her stomach flip-flopped as her gaze passed lower, over his delicious body. She wanted to run her hands over every inch of him and start all over again, but she forced herself to be still. Instead she crept into bed alongside him, marveling at how safe she felt with him. No one had ever made her feel so beautiful or so precious. He really does like me. And I really like him. Her heart fluttered at the thought. Maybe this can work.

  * * * * *

  The room was bright with sunlight when Julia opened her eyes. Ben was no longer stretched beside her and a blanket was draped over her. She turned to squint at the clock. The smell of coffee and cinnamon wafted through her apartment. Within seconds, Ben appeared at the edge of the bedroom screen. His hair was sticking out in every direction, but he was dressed and there were two high red spots on his cheeks, as if he’d just come in from the cold. “Good, you’re up.” A smile brightened his whole face and sent shivers through Julia.

  He set a large white bag down on the bed and leaned in, giving Julia a sweet, gentle kiss. He stroked her cheek. “You warm enough? It was freezing when I woke up.”

  She nodded, thinking that if he kept touching her she might burst into flames. “What’s all this?” She pointed to the bag.

  “Breakfast.” His eyes twinkled. “There’s coffee too.” He disappeared then returned a moment later with two tall, white Dean & Deluca to-go cups. “Sumatra or Breakfast Blend, your choice. There’s cream and sugar in the bag.”

  “Sumatra, thanks.”

  He handed her a cup and set the other down on the nightstand, then went to work unpacking the bag. “We’ve got blueberry scones, cinnamon streusel coffee cake or bacon cheddar muffins. I wasn’t sure if you like sweet or savory in the morning.”

  Julia stared at him. No one had ever brought her breakfast in bed before.

  Ben’s brow furrowed. “I could go get something else if none of that sounds appealing. Or we can go out.”

  She placed her fingers on his lips. “This is perfect. Actually, I don’t usually eat much breakfast, but today I’m starving.”

  A smile spread across his face and he kissed her fingertips then leaned closer, brushing his lips against her cheek. “If you’re not certain, I could think of a few ways we could work up an appetite.” His mouth caressed the tender skin of her neck and she leaned into him, tempted to take him up on his offer.

  “I’d love to, but I have to be at work in a little while.”

  He kissed her, his tongue sugary giving away that he’d probably eaten a pastry on the walk home. “Okay,” he whispered.

  The warm flush that passed over her made her want to pull him down and strip him bare, but she forced herself to pull away. “What was that you said about coffee cake?”

  Chapter Six

  Julia’s day dragged as she did fitting after fitting for a wealthy client’s enormous bridal party. All she could think about was seeing Ben again. When it was finally five o’clock, she politely ushered the chattering women out of her shop with promises to call as soon as the gowns were ready, then she packed up her sample bag and headed off to meet Ben. He and the band were at rehearsal and had asked her to bring some options for the last round of clothes she was making.

  She fidgeted as the elevator took her up to the right floor, her heart pounding in anticipation of seeing him again. What’s wrong with me? She tried to take a deep breath but all that succeeded in doing was giving her hiccups. She held her breath for the rest of the ride, willing them to go away.

  When the door finally opened she stepped out, trying to remember which studio he said they’d be in. She could hear Niles laughing and followed the sound down the long white corridor. She rounded the corner to enter the room and stopped in her tracks. Ben was sitting behind his drum kit, twirling a stick, no fewer than six hot young women fawning all over him. Julia’s nostrils flared and she felt her stomach churn. She considered turning and leaving, but it was too late. Ben had seen her. His whole face brightened but she turned away, lifting her sample case up onto the nearest table.

  “Hey, Jules.” Niles waved as he placed his guitar back in its case. “Be right there.”

  Do your job and then go home. Anger bubbled inside her. She felt someone come up behind her and knew it was him. Ignore him. He stood so close heat radiated off his body.

  “Hi.” His velvety voice crooned right next to her ear as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

  “Hey.” She stepped away, opening her bag wide to separate them.

  “I’m so glad you’re finally here.” He reached out to stroke her arm but she tensed and he stopped. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She dropped her measuring tape and bent to get it, feeling her cheeks heat.

  Ben couldn’t figure out what was making her so annoyed, then he heard the giggling from across the room. Two of the girls winked and waved. A smile crossed his face as he realized Julia was jealous.

  “Those girls are dancers for the band that’s recording across the hall. Apparently they’re fans of ours.”

  “So I noticed.” Julia still wouldn’t look at him.

  “I think they got a bit annoyed with me.”

  “Oh really? They seemed pretty pleased with you when
I walked in.”

  “I don’t think so. All I kept talking about was you.” He waited for her to look up. She glanced at him, eyes narrowed. “Seriously. I couldn’t wait for you to arrive.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, because I plan to keep talking about you to anyone who will listen.” He leaned closer. “I can’t get you off my mind.” He kissed her lightly and felt her relax against him.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s not easy watching a group of girls swarm all over your b—” She stopped before she finished the word.

  Ben’s eyebrows shot up. “Your what?”

  Her cheeks pinked and she turned away, busying herself folding fabric samples. “Nothing.”

  “No, I’m sure I heard another word coming. Something that started with a ‘b’. I wonder what it could have been.”

  Her lips pursed in defiance.

  “Barrister? No, that can’t be it, law documents bore me right to sleep. Brother? Surely not, given the nature of our relationship.” He leaned against the table trying to get her to look at him, but she refused to make eye contact. “Butler, perhaps? I did bring you breakfast in bed. Was that it?”


  “Thinking.” He tapped his finger against his temple. “Whatever could it have been? Might it have been…boyfriend?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then turned toward him. “You’re incorrigible.”

  He couldn’t keep the grin off his face. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Fine. I didn’t like girls swarming my boyfriend. Are you happy now?”

  “Delighted. I love the word boyfriend. Though you know what a better word is?”

  Her mouth twisted into a scowl. “What?”

  “Fiancé. Marry me?”


  “Okay. Boyfriend it is.” He pulled her into his arms. “And just in case those fan girls are still around, let’s make sure they’ve no doubt that I’m taken.” He sank his fingers into her hair and kissed her, drawing her close.

  * * * * *

  Julia smiled when she saw Ben’s number on caller ID. “Hey.”

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  She felt her cheeks tingle. “How are rehearsals going?”

  “They’re not. Some sort of technical issues with the power in the building. I’ve got the rest of the day off. What are you up to?”

  “I’m just finishing up some sketches.” She looked down and realized she’d started doodling hearts on the edge of her paper. Oh God, I’m like a freaking teenager.

  “Can I come by in a bit? We can go grab some dinner.”

  “Okay. Do you mind if we eat in?”

  “Not at all. We could get a movie.”

  “Actually, it’s Monday so we can watch TV.” She scribbled faster, not really wanting to tell him why.

  “Am I detecting a favorite show?”

  Julia cringed. “I’m afraid it’s more of an obsession. I have this slight addiction to reality TV.”

  Ben’s laughter tumbled through the phone. “Okay. Well, I’ll try anything once.”

  “Oh really? Good to know.”

  She finished her sketches while she waited for him to arrive. He strode in, looking absolutely delicious in a deep-gray dress shirt, untucked, and a perfectly fitted pair of dark jeans. She had to stop herself from staring.

  He walked up behind her, sweeping her hair to the side and nuzzling her neck. “You smell good.” He kissed the tender spot below her ear and she turned in his arms, leaning her hips into his as his mouth grazed hers. Kissing him made her forget everything else.

  He drew back, rubbing his nose against hers then pulling her into a hug. “I missed you today.”

  She’d missed him as well, a feeling that was new to her. He peered over her shoulder. “Are these the sketches you were working on?”

  Julia nodded. “Some ideas for an old client.”

  “They’re brilliant.”

  “I should hire you as my publicist.”

  “What sort of benefits do you offer?” He pressed against her, making her want to tug him down on top of the desk.

  “We’ll have to negotiate.” She swiveled against him then pulled away. “Come on. We’re on a deadline here, I don’t think I remembered to set my DVR.”

  Ben chuckled. “No problem, I can go fast.”

  Julia quickly locked up and they headed outside. The fall air was cool and crisp but Ben’s hand was warm and inviting. “Let’s go to Dean and Deluca. I’m sure we can find something there.”

  Ben held the tall glass door as Julia entered the gourmet shop. He grabbed a silver basket and followed her, loving the way her hips swayed beneath her long knit coat.

  “The prepared foods are over here.” She gestured to the far end of the store.

  “No prepared foods. I want to cook for you.”

  Her eyes bugged. “You cook?”

  “Like a fiend. What are you in the mood for?”

  “What can you make?”

  He tugged her close and kissed her. “Anything you’d like.”

  Her eyes grew dark. “I haven’t had anyone cook for me in years. Surprise me.”

  “I can do that too.” He winked, loving the pink glow that spread across her cheeks. He scanned the produce section. “How do you feel about tomatoes?”

  “Love them, particularly the way you say the word.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “You mean the proper way?”

  She rolled her eyes and sighed.

  “What’s your stance on mushrooms?”

  “Definitely pro-mushroom.”

  He picked up several portobellos and placed them in a bag, then grabbed a cluster of chanterelles and a handful of shitakis. “Do you have any garlic?”

  “There’s no food in my kitchen now. Except some crackers and cereal.”

  “We’re going to need another basket.”

  By the time Ben had finished shopping, they’d filled two baskets and he still had to hold the box from the pastry department separately.

  Julia looked shocked. “You’re really going to cook all of this?”

  “I love cooking. When you’re on the road a lot the only chance you have at a home-cooked meal is to make one yourself. I’m the designated chef. Don’t tell the band I’m making you dinner, they’ll all show up at your flat with forks in hand.”

  “That would be a sight. Marissa would faint if I told her that.”

  “You should invite her up sometime. I’d love to meet her.” He picked up the white shopping bags, handing Julia the pastry box.


  “Why are you so surprised? You’ve met all my friends.”

  “True.” A smile played across her lips. “It would be worth it just to see the look on her face.”

  “I’ll look at the schedule. Maybe she can come up next month when we tape Letterman. You could both come to the taping then we could all go out after.”

  “That sounds great. I’ll let her know really soon so she can get a sitter.”

  Ben’s heart beat a happy rhythm. She’d just agreed to plans a month in advance. He felt as though he was walking on air.

  * * * * *

  Julia excused herself to use the bathroom and change. She scrubbed her face, washing off the film the city always seemed to leave on her, and pulled her hair up into a loose ponytail. A nagging sensation tugged at her stomach. How many times had Trey told her she looked better with makeup? She considered reapplying some but stopped. If Ben wants to date me he’s gonna have to deal with the real me. She pulled on a pair of black yoga pants and her favorite brushed cotton long-sleeved t-shirt and opened the door.

  Her apartment smelled fantastic, the scent of garlic and basil filled the air. Ben was standing at her center island, sleeves cuffed up, the ropy muscles of his forearm flexing as he sliced mushrooms. He tossed them into the sizzling pan of garlic and oil. His face lit up the second he noticed her. A grin spread a
cross his face.

  “I poured you some wine.” He motioned to the glass.

  Julia perched on one of her breakfast stools and cupped the goblet, swirling it in her hand before taking a sip. The sweet liquid warmed her as it spiraled down into her belly.

  Ben gave the sauté pan a hearty shake, flipping the mushrooms with a flick of his wrist. He poured in a splash of wine and let them continue to simmer. “Here. Try this.” He stabbed a forkful of fresh mozzarella and tomato and swirled it in a small bowl of pesto sauce.

  She opened her mouth, feeling heat pool between her legs as he slipped the morsel between her lips.

  The pesto was the perfect blend of fresh basil, garlic and parmesan, and the creamy fresh cheese melted against her tongue. “Oh my God.” She closed her eyes as she chewed. “That’s so good.”

  He smiled, flipping the mushrooms again and tossing in the huge prawns they’d bought. “Do you have a colander?”

  “Yep.” She crossed the kitchen and bent down to look through her cupboard. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d cooked anything but she was pretty sure that’s where it was. When she stood up, Ben was wiping his hands on a kitchen towel, eyeing her with a hungry look that sent pleasurable chills up her spine. She handed him the colander.

  “Thanks.” He placed it in the sink then pulled her close for another delicious kiss. As good as the food was, he still tasted better. His hand stroked down her arm. “This is nice.” He fingered the material of her shirt. “Very touchable.”

  She made a mental note that he liked soft fabric. The timer above the stove went off, startling them both.

  “Good thing I set that, you’ve got me so distracted I’d have ruined the whole meal.” He stirred the boiling pot of pasta with a fork then extracted a long strand of linguini. He pulled it off the tines and blew on it, his breath sending a gentle caress across her cheek that made goose bumps race up her arms. “Here, done enough for you?” He dangled the pasta above her and she opened her mouth again.

  “Perfect.” She wanted to run her hands down the front of his pants to see if these kitchen antics were affecting him as much as her but he was already busy turning off the gas flame and using tongs to strain the pasta. He gave a few solid shakes to drain out all the water then poured the steaming tangle into the pan of mushrooms and shrimp. He sprinkled on some freshly diced herbs and gave it all a final toss. “Your dinner’s ready, luv.”